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Saturday, 19 December 2015

Facebook says it's ok to call people retards?

Since doing my original blog exposing James for his treatment of a young autistic girl who Santa refused to see because of her service dog "cupcakes" I'll drop a link to her Facebook page at the bottom of this paragraph anyway back then last xmas James started attacking me saying I was attacking him and ended up getting time in the Facebook jail it seems and now he's back as charming as ever so I reported him to Facebook and I just got an email in response to reporting him for the use of the word "RETARD" and here's Facebook's response to my complaint.

Facebook Response.....

We reviewed your report of James Lee's post.



12:02 AM (9 minutes ago)
to me
   Facebook Support Team
You recently asked us to review James Lee's post. See the conversation history.
Thanks for your feedback
Hi Terry,
Thanks for taking the time to report something that you feel may violate our Community Standards. Reports like yours are an important part of making Facebook a safe and welcoming environment. We reviewed the post you reported for displaying hate speech and found it doesn't violate our Community Standards.
Please let us know if you see anything else that concerns you. We want to keep Facebook safe and welcoming for everyone.
Ask James to remove this post
Ask James to take it down.
Block James
You won't be able to see or contact each other.

As you can see James's advocacy techniques are extremely offensive He's actually talking about a young autistic girls parents here's the link for the original story....

And here's James post to my page which I reported because of the "R" word and attacking the little autistic girl the post that Facebook says doesn't breach their standards in spite of the content?

Forgive me but pup cakes girl doesnt look she needs a service dog now .....perhaps she never did . The parents look retarded though.
All Things Foamers James Lee I have autistic relatives so please refrain from using the word "retarded" please?
LikeReplyCommented on by Terry HoltDecember 2 at 4:04pm
All Things Foamers that word has been added to the profanity filter James Lee
LikeReplyCommented on by Terry HoltDecember 2 at 4:05pm
James Lee ha ha that doesnt surprise me .
James Lee are u sure u aint the biggest tard of all ?
All Things Foamers really James Lee that word offends a lot of people not just me so I added it to the filter so people don't have to be exposed, the only posts or comments that'll be removed are offensive posts and comments unlike the hater pages I don't ban block people for having an opinion opposed to mine so long as they can express it without insults?
LikeReplyCommented on by Terry HoltDecember 2 at 4:18pm
James Lee well , most of your sentences offend me . i guess its a chicken or egg thing which comes first
All Things Foamers the thing is that word offends everyone except the people that use it James Lee?
LikeReplyCommented on by Terry HoltDecember 2 at 5:02pm
All Things Foamers James Lee I'd suggest you lay off the offensive language James unless you want me to get you booted from facebook again?
LikeReplyCommented on by Terry HoltDecember 9 at 7:05pm
All Things Foamers
Write a reply...
Anna Ryan Way to use ableist language.
All Things Foamers I've added the word to the pages profanity list so it won't appear again it's just a shame that James Lee can't seem to express his opinion without being offensive? possible has anger management issues?
LikeReplyCommented on by Terry HoltDecember 2 at 4:20pm
James Lee espeically , when peops talk trash
James Lee ableist ? wtf ?
All Things Foamers James Lee Ableism or ablism (/ˈeɪblɪzəm/) is a form of discrimination or social prejudice against people with disabilities. It may also be referred to as disability discrimination, ablecentrism, physicalism, handicapism, and disability oppression.
LikeReplyCommented on by Terry HoltDecember 2 at 4:40pm
Anna Ryan As I am physically disabled I do use the parking space. And please refrain from using that word it is also offensive. It originated from when people like myself used to be put on the streets with a cap to beg.
All Things Foamers you seem to be the one doing all the trash talk James Lee
LikeReplyCommented on by Terry Holt

As you can see both myself and a like minded person has also asked him to stop being so offensive but unfortunately this is standard operating procedure for these people.

This is James original post in his hate group that I copied and paste to my blog in march this year and as you can see I didn't comment or even offer an opinion, I didn't have to any average person can see what's wrong with this post it literally goes without saying this sort of behavior is un-acceptable. 

just look at that poor little face ( compare with the many disfigured ones)
definitely these pibble crooners are feeling hurt and distraught and even have a PR company working on their behalf ....i wonder what they want ? $%#@$$$$$.

Well apparently not according to Facebook because they allow this person and a dozen or so just like him that seem to have multiple fake Facebook accounts and pages very sneakily trying to use a noble cause in the form of advocating for breed specific legislation on the premise that it protects the community.

The trouble is if Bsl worked 100% it would only prevent 62% of the deaths and that's why every legitimate animal organization in the world and few legal ones too have released "position statements" announcing support for breed neutral legislation which treats all dogs and all owners equally in the hope of stopping the maximum amount of the totally avoidable tragic dog bite related fatalities.

Facebook really needs to lift it's game in relation to it's obligation in the area of "duty of care' to the well being and welfare of it's users, I seriously think it's time that Facebook spend some of them billions they're making and actually employ some humans to deal with this sort of bullying and harassment by a small proportion of what is essentially a good social internet community?

Please don't let these bad apples spoil it for everyone....


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