Dear Facebook:
As an animal protector I am shocked and appalled that the "I Hate Dogs" page is back up. Please remove animal hate pages like your "I Hate Dogs", the "Cat Recipe Page", or the Wolf Barbecue" pages from Facebook.
Animal hate pages need to be removed and blocked from Facebook. It is a proven fact that people that hate and harm animals eventually hate and harm humans. Children that learn to harm animals proceed to injuring people as well.
These types of animal hate pages are dangerous to the animals, including the human kind.
Facebook please do the right thing and include animals in your "hate protection policies."
This is the page. Judge for yourselves...
Patrick Doyle
If you believe that Facebook needs to remove their "I Hate Dogs" page and needs to better enforce their animal hate pages, then please join our cause.
Please sign if you believe that this page will...
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