A hate groupis an organized group or movement that advocates and practiceshatred,hostility, orviolencetowards members of arace, ethnicity,religion,gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other designated sector of society. According to the United StatesFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a hate group's "primary purpose is to promote animosity, hostility, and malice against persons belonging to a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin which differs from that of the members of the organization."[1] The Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) definition of a "hate group" includes those having beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.[2] Scholars find it difficult to define hate group and "whether a particular group is to be classified as a hate group is sometimes in the eye of the beholder."[3]
In the US, two organizations that monitor intolerance and hate groups are the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)[4] and the SPLC.[5] The ADL and the SPLC maintain a list of what they deem to be hate groups, supremacist groups and anti-Semitic, anti-government or extremist groups that have committed hate crimes. However, at least for the SPLC, inclusion of a group in the list "does not imply a group advocates or engages in violence or other criminal activity."[6] According to the SPLC, from 2000 to 2008, hate group activity saw a 50 percent increase in the US, with a total of 926 active groups.[7]
Hate groups are also tracked by the FBI.[citation needed] The FBI does not publish a list of hate groups, and "[I]nvestigations are conducted only when a threat or advocacy of force is made; when the group has the apparent ability to carry out the proclaimed act; and when the act would constitute a potential violation of federal law."[8]
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