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Monday, 25 May 2015

Annie Cowan Brown Eff em KILL THEM ALL

I don't see anything cute about this.
awww heart emoticon
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  • 3 people like this.
  • Jeff Borchardt"Stop killing us" - Stop breeding them. Support BSL in the form of mandatory S/N....."End dog fighting" - Pit bulls exist BECAUSE of dog fighting dummies....."Would never force you to fight" - Tell that to John P. Colby. The AKC breed standard was based off of Colby's APBT champion fighting dog "Primo"....."Don't fear what you don't know" - The VICTIMS of these dogs KNOW damn well what these dogs are capable of. You SHOULD be afraid. Be VERY afraid.....NEXT!
  • Joy Bruce Well said Jeff!
  • Jeff Borchardt thank you.
  • Jeff BorchardtI would like to add to the "Don't fear what you don't know" - Since we're talking about "fear" and "what you don't know," BSL DOES NOT mean the government comes into your house and takes your dog. As long as you're a "responsible dog owner" and your fighting/gripping breed doesn't hurt anyone or anything, you're allowed to enjoy your fighting/gripping breed till it is dead....So don't give me this load of crap about "don't fear what you don't know" and then tell me in the same breath that "BSL will kill all pit bulls.".....No birth = NO KILL!
    May 23 at 2:00am · Edited · Like · 7
  • Jeffrey Sloan "I would never force you to fight" - Sure, tell that to Darla Napora or any of the scores of other pit bull owners who spent their last moments fighting for their life as their pit bulls mauled them to death. 

    Tell that to the tens of thousands of innocent pets and farm animals each year horribly mauled and killed by pit bulls, in one-sided "fights" forced upon them by the pit bulls.
    May 23 at 2:38am · Edited · Like · 12
  • Jeffrey Sloan Poodles are intelligent, civilized and would never maul their owner or an innocent 3rd party
  • Jeffrey Sloan Sorry to hear that. The pit bull plague caused me to begin carrying a wicked serrated knife at all times. I've had to draw it a couple of times when a pit attack on my dog seemed imminent, but fortunately was able to bypass the threat without bloodshed both times.
    May 23 at 3:29am · Edited · Like · 9
  • Jeff Borchardt We should start a survey and call it "How much money did YOU fork over to the AVMA after your pit bull attack?"
  • Robin Benton Richardson 2 pits, dragging log chains, were "just playing", right?
  • Nancy Perdue "I would never force you to fight." Yeah until you decide to follow your genetic instincts, then whoever you're mauling is forced to fight for their life!
  • Donald Davidson stop killing us, so we can kill you instead! stop fighting us, let us rip your throats out unimpeded?
  • Tammy Surdam Looks like it has blood stained lips, Ugly as hell monster !
  • Annie Cowan Brown Eff em KILL THEM ALL
  • Annie Cowan Brown I hate pits and really dont like most pit owners. Sorry sacks,,,,
  • Andrew Neilson "I'd never force you to fight". I'm calling bullshit on that one, and I've got the scar to prove it.
  • Jeffrey Sloan I know several people with scars from pit bull attacks
  • Andrew Neilson This one PB forced me to draw my 9mm defensively (it never came closer than 20ft, outside my "engagement range). The second time it got a glancing blow to my left tricep (I was not armed at the time), I knew I was in deep shit and was primed to fight when it bolted. I was damned lucky.
  • Valerie WebberStop killing us: So sorry, Pitty, but Pit Bull advocates are not only breeding more Pit Bulls than there is a demand for, they are also lying about your genetics to dupe uninformed people into bringing you into their homes only to have them dump you in kill shelters when your adult temperament shows up. BSL proponents don't own Pit Bulls.
    End dog fighting: So sorry, Pitty, but once again it is the Pit Bull advocates that are fighting Pit Bulls, BSL proponents don't own Pit Bulls and are anti dog aggression and thrill killing.
    I would never force you to fight: So sorry, Pitty, but once again it is the Pit Bull advocates using you to fight, BSL proponents don't own Pit Bulls. Even the dogmen don't force you to fight, they have no use for a Pit Bull that won't naturally fight or kill.
    Dont fear what you dont know: So sorry, Pitty, but it is the Pit Bull advocates that fear BSL, something they don't know, which would resolve the previous three issues. BSL proponents know you to well, they don't fear constructive action.
  • Gwendolyn Hanan Robin Benton Richardson, Jesus, is that your dog?? I am so sorry if it is. I can not imagine.
  • Robin Benton Richardson Gwendolyn Hanan, Yes it was .... two pits broke their chains and came to our house in the middle of the night. This is how we found him. I cringe to think of his last minutes as he ran for his life.
  • Valerie Webber Robin, that's awful. That is heartbreaking.
  • Sonia Leclerc I like the "stop killing us" couldn't be more to the point... and thanks to the one who put the sign there because that's exactly what us PEOPLE want... Stop to kill us Pit Machine wink emoticon
    20 hrs · Edited · Like · 1

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