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Monday, 25 May 2015

Marc Brown Too bad that 18 years later the pit freaks have totally taken over Animal Control and now only care about protecting pit bull type dogs.

Looking back. 20 years ago, the norm was to euthanize pit bulls. In 1997, San Francisco piloted a program to try and rehabilitate them. They put stringent measures in place to ensure the dogs were neutered, microchipped etc, and did thorough home visits to check out potential adopters, who were then required to go for training before adopting.
To promote the program, the SPCA made posters and flyers showing the dogs as adorable rascals. The rationale: “If the SPCA is to place the many pit bulls that come into its possession, this type of marketing effort -- good old American spin -- is necessary.” 
Death row smells like dog piss. The inmates, five pit bull terriers, have fouled their cells. Repeatedly. They're yowling in indignation. They're pounding and banging...
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  • 3 people like this.
  • Valerie Webber This is a nice find. It just further proves that Pit advocate propaganda is nothing but a spin created to foist shelter Pit Bulls onto ill informed adopters by means of deceiving by omission. I like the term "murderers in our neighborhood".
    21 hrs · Like · 7
  • Marc Brown Too bad that 18 years later the pit freaks have totally taken over Animal Control and now only care about protecting pit bull type dogs.
    20 hrs · Like · 6
  • Mia JohnsonYou may know this article, which has a lot of information about the spin. It notes that "more than 16% of the dogs adopted from animal shelters since 2007 have been pit bulls, meaning that shelters are persuading adopters to choose pit bulls at about five times the rate that dog purchasers choose to buy pit bulls when they buy dogs from breeders." And "pit bulls were never America’s favorite pet. There is scant evidence that pit bulls were commonly kept anywhere as family pets until barely 20 years ago."
    Tangible progress on behalf of animals is often hard to...
    9 hrs · Like · 3

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