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Monday, 25 May 2015

Paul Hawkins Pit Bull type breeds have a very distinctive fighting style and often will latch on their opponent and not let go. They usually will shake the other animal violently when they are latched on. This can cause horrific damage quickly. (Brilliant to have around children, and other household pets)

you have to think like a nutter to get the right answers...
For the love of animals. Pass it on.
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  • Joe Hill They'll kill you all I need
  • Nancy Perdue Pitbulls were solely produced for blood sports. Pitbulls attack with out provocation. Pitbulls don't need to be trained to fight, it comes naturally to them. Pitbulls more times than not maul instead of bite. I could go on but too much to type!
    May 24 at 6:25am · Edited · Like · 6
  • Liza Mae I'm a pit bull expert! Bwahahaha! I can't believe they are so ignorant that they actually put "nanny dog" in there.
  • Paul Hawkins Pit Bull type breeds have a very distinctive fighting style and often will latch on their opponent and not let go. They usually will shake the other animal violently when they are latched on. This can cause horrific damage quickly. (Brilliant to have around children, and other household pets)
  • Christy CornellThis stupidity from the dodo doesn't surprise me. Past articles from them are ridiculously slanted as to make pitbulls sound wonderful.

    These are actual titles of articles from the dodo:
    ...See More
  • Liza Mae Oh yes. "In which country were Staffs known as nanny dogs?"

    Derp.and not a single shit was given by nutters that know full well the truth of that lie. Let the propaganda flow!
  • Earl Upham This is a total joke but not funny! Good idea though to do something like this but use real facts not fiction.

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