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Friday, 22 May 2015

Sharon Smith added 2 new photos. May 20 at 10:25pm · Ha ha ha, Watch Mickey is hilarious. The first screen shot is their attempt to make everybody believe that Mickey's moving out is because they want to give him a better place to live. After all when his morning breakfast 'friend' is the pooh he left earlier and they are joined by the pee he did before that.

Ha ha ha, Watch Mickey is hilarious. The first screen shot is their attempt to make everybody believe that Mickey's moving out is because they want to give him a better place to live. After all when his morning breakfast 'friend' is the pooh he left earlier and they are joined by the pee he did before that.
Annie pretty much sums it up in 4 lines.
What they are saying is Mickey did not get to be set free. He's gonna be in jail the rest of his life. But they won't come out and say it.
They played some cute music that I think was directed at this page and If You Watch Mickey. Or its rubbing dog attack victims nose in the fact that he won't be put to death. Just heartless people but we knew that from how they treated Mickey..
So here's my suggestions for some songs to make a play list in:
And lastly here is a nice list already made up for him:
You're welcome, that is all, next!

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