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Friday, 22 May 2015

Pit-bulls. a definite hazard to you May 17 at 6:30pm · - "My question to pit-bull fans is: If pit bulls are such wonderful family dogs

- "My question to pit-bull fans is: If pit bulls are such wonderful family dogs, why have they been banned in 12 countries? That's right, 12. Belgium; Brazil; Denmark; Finland; France; Canada (Winnipeg, Quebec); the Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Poland; Puerto Rico (a commonwealth of the United States); and Sweden. The pit bull is rightfully banned from these smart countries because it is a very aggressive, fearless, vicious, bloodthirsty attack dog that has no place in civilized society."
  • Terry Holt The fact is your whole breed line about genetics of fighting breeds meaning they all ticking time bombs and it's a matter of "when" not "if" your pitbull attacks, well I'm thinking all the victims of "non" fighting breed type dogs would feel totally ignored upon hearing that statement or statements similar in consideration of the actual facts which clearly indicate the all types kinds and breeds of dogs have killed children at some stage or another throughout history and you'll discard these as individual incidents of owner fault (unless the dogs involved are considered by you to be pitbulls) while ignoring the plain facts, true public safety advocates would be trying to stop all dog bite fatalities as opposed to using victims as pawns in a do hating extinction drive! Please let me thank you for continuing to make crackpot hate pages as this type of behavior is what's educating the public at large to your true nature, all very very sad slightly diminished but highly unstable humans, which I might add is typical of the types of persons targeted by notorious cult leaders throughout history,
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